"Un momento solo per te" non è solo un motto, ma un invito a concederti un'esperienza unica, un attimo di relax e cura di te stessa in cui ogni particolare è curato per farti sentire speciale.

creiamo la tua identità

Costruire una identità forte e ben definita dei tuoi  capelli. Come? Attraverso un percorso che si basa sul dialogo e sull’ascolto, sulla libertà di esprimere la propria personalità, raccontare le ragioni delle proprie scelte, scambiarsi idee. 

Esprimi la tua personalità: raccontaci le tue storie e le tue scelte.
Scambiamoci idee: troveremo il look perfetto per te.
Un viaggio verso la tua bellezza. 

Style, Substance and Wellbeing

Quality goes hand in hand with well-being. Combining our creativity with dialogue with customers, we create personalized experiences that nourish the spirit and personal well-being. Every cut, color or treatment promotes a sense of complete well-being that reflects the unique style and essence of each individual customer.

Our art is not limited to aesthetics, but aims to enhance your uniqueness and enhance your natural beauty. Every style we create is a unique work of art, the result of a creative process that involves mind, heart and hands.

The art of creation:
The thought behind each style

As stylists, we don't just cut our hair. Our work is an art that stems from study, reflection and deep knowledge of the hair.

Behind every creation there is a thought, an idea that takes shape through technique and passion. We want to understand who you are, what makes you special, what your dreams and expectations are. Only in this way can we create a style that truly reflects you.

let's create your identity

Build a strong and well-defined identity of your hair. How? Through a path that is based on dialogue And onlistening, on the freedom to express own personality, tell the reasons for their choices, exchange ideas.

Express your personality: Tell us your stories and your choices.
Let's exchange ideas: we will find the perfect look for you.
A journey to your beauty. 

At Giuseppe Prisco Hair Boutique, time takes on a new dimension, punctuated by the delicate rhythm of the scissors that caress your hair. It is a precious time, dedicated entirely to yourself, to rediscover your authentic beauty and enhance your uniqueness.

Every gesture, every smile, every piece of advice from our team is aimed at bringing out your inner light. With passion and professionalism, we will guide you on a journey of transformation, listening to your desires and shaping your hair to enhance your strengths and personality.

A haircut is not just an aesthetic change. It can be an experience that transforms you, makes you feel more beautiful, more confident and ready to face the world with renewed energy.

s. godin



Organic Color Design


Hair Care SPA

Vivi un'esperienza che ti meriti

Dedicati questo tempo di qualità tutto per te, noi siamo pronti ad ascoltare i tuoi bisogni e a tramutarli in bellezza e valorizzazione della tua unicità.